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When Kenya, Vonté's wife, reached out to me about a session, it wasn't simple. She was planning a huge surprise birthday party in Florida for him and wanted pictures for the invitations, party and promos.

 Vonté is a very talented music producer and songwriter. Kenya really wanted a Tupac vibe, but we couldn't let Vonté know that. So sneaky Abby had Kenya put us on a group text and with a little digging, I pulled out his love for Tupac and I suggested we use that as inspiration.

Tupac is a legend. I grew up listening to him and still do to this day.

Men's birthday photo shoot
Men's birthday photo shoot
Men's birthday photo shoot

I showed up at his studio and he crushed the session. It was such a chill vibe while Vonté cranked the music and Kenya stood there falling in love all over again.

I embrace and love change. I know that sounds weird, but keeping it the same all the time can get boring. Sessions like this one remind me that I don't have to have one style or one client base. I take on sessions that keep my creative fire burning.